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Showcase of my works on frontend development.

Explore my projects and get to know more about my work and skills.

More Project

  • yogyy

    The website you are currently on

    • React
    • Typescript
    • Next JS
    • Tailwind CSS
    • Radix UI
  • Gallery

    Searching Images using Unsplash API

    • React
    • Typescript
    • Next JS
    • Tailwind CSS
  • Indonesia Geography

    Showing Indonesia Geography and Searching Regency,Discrict, also Village

    • React
    • Typescript
    • Next JS
    • Tailwind CSS
  • The Malaka

    landing page for a book product.

    • React
    • Typescript
    • Tailwind CSS
    • Slicing
  • Gh/Searcher

    searching user & user's repo

    • React
    • TypeScript
    • Tailwind CSS
    • Radix UI
  • DressLy

    landing page for fashion shop

    • Vue
    • TypeScript
    • Tailwind CSS
  • ToDo App

    Drag Drop To Do

    • React
    • TypeScript
    • Tailwind CSS
  • NestJS CRUD

    simple crud using nestjs

    • Nest JS
    • TypeScript
    • MySQL
  • Fastify CRUD

    simple crud using fastifyjs

    • Fastify
    • JavaScript
    • MySQL
  • Spotify Activity

    Spotify Activity Card like in the footer

    • SWR
  • Fullstack Graphql

    Fullstack app using graphql

    • Express
    • @graphql-yoga
    • React
    • @apollo-client
    • unocss
  • Hono Auth

    hono with lucia auth

    • hono
    • lucia
    • drizzle-orm